Friday 20 July 2012

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Dissatisfied with the anti-asked, in their view to protection of Dutch caravan from his country's fleet and pirate attacks have been the main task of the Dutch warships. Once there is no fleet to escort these Dutch merchants really know what to do up.
Nanyang any one to do legitimate business of the Merchant Shipping are subject to the protection of the combined fleet of the Empire. Empire has been the commitment and combined fleet and even escort merchant ships and Southeast Asia to the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and the Cape of Good Hope. Believe that in this point, our fleet is in no way inferior to your country's fleet. Moreover, in this extraordinary period. repeated attack of the East India Company convoy in the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean meets West. lead to a large number of goods hoarding Nanyang transport does not go out. Dutch merchants for this already anxious beating the Chinese fleet in combat, not less than the Netherlands Fleet of the Chinese Empire is the largest supplier of European countries. expect the British in the arrogance did not dare openly strong boat at the moment China is suddenly willing to give them escort this how can we prevent men eyebrows.
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With this duo some unequivocal undertaking by the presence of Dutch merchants, suddenly took up in front of the face of the Chinese people cheered. Seeing the situation, do not want to blame their own compatriots Diman turn with interest to Chengchou questions: if things like Mr. Hong said smooth settlement that is naturally happy. may be forgiven for the next take the liberty to ask, sir, you are a representative of the Imperial Chinese Government, or on behalf of the Lights Chamber of Commerce? When the Spice Islands of the Dutch traders cheered the Chinese fleet to escort the Dutch merchants in Europe, but the protracted naval warfare in the Atlantic Ocean fret maritime trade and fisheries production is the little British fleet operational targets deliberately locked in the body of those who do not have the number of combat effectiveness of the Dutch privateers. a time in the Dutch coastal ports in the tens of thousands of merchant ships loaded with cargo can only hide in the harbor, eager to look forward to the Navy They escort the port.
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